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Create an Account (Wallet)

Before we can create an AI Agent, we need to create an account using Ape's framework. We can do this by running the following command:

$ ape accounts generate <account name>
Enhance the security of your account by adding additional random input:
Show mnemonic? [Y/n]: n
Create Passphrase to encrypt account:
Repeat for confirmation:
SUCCESS: A new account '0x766867bB2E3E1A6E6245F4930b47E9aF54cEba0C' with HDPath m/44'/60'/0'/0/0 has been added with the id '<account name>'

This will create a new account under $HOME/.ape/accounts using the keyfile structure from the eth-keyfile library , for more information on the account management, you can refer to the Ape's framework documentation.

In this account generation we will be prompted to enter a passphrase to encrypt the account, this passphrase will be used to unlock the account when needed, so make sure to keep it safe.

We encourage the creation of a new account for each agent, as it will allow you to manage the agent's permissions and access control more effectively, but importing accounts is also possible.

Funding the account

Before we can create an AI Agent, we need to fund the account with some ETH. You can do this by sending some ETH to the account address generated in the previous step.

For development we encourage the usage of testnets and thus the funding via faucets.

When is this account used

This account is neccesary prior to the creation of the agent using the Giza CLI. With this account we manage the execution of the smart contracts, if this smart contracts requires you to sign the transaction, this account must have funds to pay for the gas.

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