Uniswap V3 Liquidity Distribution
This dataset contains the liquidity distribution of all Uniswap V3 pools on Ethereum mainnet with TVL above $100k (as of the time of collection). Each file contains the snapshots of liquidity distribution in 1000 block intervals as well as the current ticks at the sampled blocks. Only 100 ticks above and below the current tick are stored. These datasets can be used to reproduce the liquidity charts from the Uniswap analytics page.
Additionally, there is a standalone utility dataset with all of the pools' details (such as the tokens within the pool, their decimals, or the fee charged by the pool).
Collection method
The initial list of top Uniswap V3 pools was fetched from the defillama API. Next, each pool's details were fetched with onchain calls to the appropriate smart contracts. The reconstruction of available liquidity over time was possible by listening to all the historical mint and burn events emitted by the pools. Finally, the raw event data was parsed into an easy-to-understand format.
Pools data
address: the address of the pool's smart contract
tick_spacing: tick spacing
token0: symbol of the first token in the pool
token1: symbol of the second token in the pool
decimals0: decimals of the first token in the pool
decimals1: decimals of the second token in the pool
fee: swap fee charged by the pool
token0_address: address of the first token
token1_address: address of the second token
chain: which chain the pool is deployed on (ethereum)
pool_type: what's the pool type (Uniswap V3)
Pool liquidity
block_number: block number of the snapshot
in_token: token to swap from
out_token: token to swap out to
price: price at a given tick (quoted in in_token/out_token)
amount: the amount of out_token available to be taken out of the tick
tick_id: tick id
Current ticks
current_tick: current tick of the pool
block_number: block number of the snapshot
Potential Use Cases
Liquidity Provision management
Price prediction
Use example
Last updated