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Daily Swap Fees


This dataset provides the daily average swap fees for the Balancer v1 & v2 Liquidity Pools. Data from all the networks are taken into account and the contract_address feature can be used as an unique identifier for the individual pools. The dataset contains all the pool data from inception until 26.01.2024, and individual rows are omitted if there were no trades executed in a given day.


  • day - date

  • contract_address - contract address of the balancer pool

  • blockchain - blockchain network of the given pool

  • token_pair - symbols of the token pairs exchanged (for weighted pools, its possible to have more than 2 tokens exchanged in a pool)

  • avg_swap_fee - average swap fee for the given pool on the given day

The dataset uses day and contract_address as the primary key.

Potential Use Cases

  • swap fee elasticity analysis on trade volumes

  • lender APR optimization

Use example

from giza.datasets import DatasetsLoader

# Usage example:
loader = DatasetsLoader()
df = loader.load('balancer-daily-swap-fees')

Last updated